Cupcake Nail Art White Purple Pink


Purple nail polish is the back drop for these pink and white cupcake nail art. Polka dots, pink stripes, and love hearts make these cupcake nails look delicious. Every one of the cupcake nails are different, but together they look adorable.

precious, cupcake_383561, cupcake nail art, nail polish, pink, white, love heart, nail

Same purple colour themed cupcake nail art. Instead of the background purple, the purple colour has now replaced the pink stripes, the silver white cupcakes stand out from the purple stripes and look lovely. Add a red cherry dot on top. The cupcake nail art is completed.

cupcake_383561, cupcake nail art, nail polish, pink, white, love heart, nail

Cupcake nail art without the purple colour is much more girly and the white love heart on the thumb stands out and adds shine to the whole cupcake look. Pink and white themed cupcakes are always the best.

nice_078, cupcake_383561, cupcake nail art, nail polish, pink, white, love heart, nail

A totally different take on the cupcake nail theme. These nail art are more abstract and use different colour themes. Dark blue and pale yellow, chocolate brown, all come together with the red love hearts and pink ribbons.



4 responses to “Cupcake Nail Art White Purple Pink

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